The Ultimate Summer Dessert

Sunday, June 5, 2011
You might remember that last fall I christened Apple Pear Cherry Crisp as the Ultimate Fall Dessert.  I was the only judge of that contest, so you can take the results for what they’re worth.

With such robust qualifications, I’ve decided to let you know the winner of the Ultimate Summer Dessert title.  Actually, I can’t believe I haven’t posted this recipe already, because it’s everything I look for in a dessert.  It’s super-easy to make, it’s delicious, and it stars fruit.  (Sorry, chocolate lovers.  There’ll be a recipe for you next week.)

The photo above isn’t as good as I’d hoped.  Ideally, I would have taken a picture right before serving our guests.  However, I was running a bit late, and I didn’t think I should be playing Ansel Adams in the kitchen while everyone else hungrily awaited their slice of the Ultimate Summer Dessert. 

So after we ate, I put the rest of the cake away until the next day.  But by that time someone had helped themselves quite generously to the leftovers.  (See also Kentucky Derby Pie).  I’ve done the best I could to recreate our dessert.  But remember that, except for the dinner parties when we invite Lilliputians, I’d normally serve a slightly larger slice.

Try it, and see if it becomes your Ultimate Summer Dessert too!

Raspberry Buttermilk Cake

1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 large egg
1/2 cup well-shaken buttermilk
1 cup fresh raspberries
1 1/2 Tbsp sugar

Preheat oven to 400 degrees with rack in middle.  Butter and flour a 9 inch round cake pan.

Whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

In a separate bowl, beat butter and 2/3 cup sugar with an electric mixer at medium-high speed about two minutes, then beat in vanilla.  Add egg and beat well.

Add flour mixture in three batches, alternating with buttermilk, beginning and ending with flour. (I used a spoon to combine them, but if you use beaters, mix at low speed only until just combined.)

Spoon batter into cake pan, smoothing top.  Batter will be quite thick.  Scatter raspberries evenly over top and sprinkle with remaining 1 ½ Tbsp sugar.

Bake until cake is golden and a wooden pick inserted into centre comes out clean, 25 to 30 minutes.  Cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a rack and cool to warm, 10 to 15 minutes more.  Invert onto a plate.


Emma said...

I have a carton of buttermilk in the fridge which I've been wondering what to do with along with a pack of frozen raspberries - thanks Beth!

Looks delish :):)

Anonymous said...

Beth it's beautiful and it screams summer! I love recipes that use buttermilk as I always have it in my fridge but don't always know what to do with it. Thanks for helping me use it up!

Justine L said...

Love this! I can't wait until our bushes start producing berries!!

Jess said...

This looks gorgeous! We're having an early Father's Day celebration today and I might just have to run to the store and fetch ingredients for this!

Joanne said...

Fresh fruits are one of the best parts of summer. I love the sound (and look) of this cake ... and that it's so easy to make.

Valerie Gamine said...

It's always torture for the people we make wait while snapping photos of our food, it comes with the territory of food blogging. :D

I think this cake looks lovely, that second photo is just bursting with those happy little raspberries. I'll have to give this one a try soon!

Anonymous said...

Buttermilk cakes are so delicious. The browned edges on your cake look really tempting!

Heather said...

Ooh, I always love desserts with buttermilk as an ingredient! I am hosting two graduation parties for my daughter. One will be right after the ceremony and another will be a luncheon several days after with her friends. Any ideas for some easy desserts?

Angie's Recipes said...

The raspberry cake looks scrumptious! My husband would love this too.

Beth said...

Thanks for all your comments.
Heather, in addition to this recipe (which would be a simple but tasty dessert), you might try the Orange Chocolate Bundt cake, the chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting, or Marie-Helene's apple cake. They're all in my recipe index at the top of the page, but if you have any specific questions please feel free to be in touch!
(One more thought - I've made a raspberry parfait that I hope to post later this month. If you'd like the recipe now, let me know and I'll pass it along.

Gloria Baker said...

Beth I adore raspberries and this look amazing, have a nice Sunday! gloria

Barbara Jean said...

I can't wait to try this one!!!

Carol said...

I have to try this, looks fantastic! It does look like it's the ultimate!

Belinda said...

You really don't need to twist my arm to try this, you know. =)

Victoria said...

I like where you're going with this :) I have all the ingredients except the raspberries, but I do have blackberries so I think I will make this either tonight or tomorrow!! I have been craving sweets and I ran out of chocolate, teehee ;-)

Jemi Fraser said...

Yummy!!! I was at the store today and bought raspberries - good timing!

Lydia Kang said...

Man that looks great! I'm bookmarking this page. Hey, can you substitute other berries or fruit instead? Like blueberries, or strawberries?

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. There's just something about the way that berries "fit" into dishes like that one that is absolutely heavenly!

Plus it has that "Rustic" in a good way look, you know? You eat it and feel like One with the food chain or something of the like.

Beth said...

Lydia, I'd definitely substitute blackberries since they're so close to raspberries. The epicurious website says you can use any kind of berries, so it sounds like blueberries or strawberries would work too!

Stina said...

Yummy! I'm getting hungry just going through your blog--and I just ate dinner.

Thanks for the awesome recipes. :D

tinajo said...

Looks absolutely delicios - now I´m hungry! :-)

Anonymous said...

My stomach is rumbling and my mouth is salivating.....

julie said...

That is definitely an ultimate dessert right there. No chocolate necessary. Yum!

Erin said...

I am saving this recipe for when my raspberries actually come in! This does look like a perfect summer dessert!

Lena Coakley said...

Mmmmmmmmmm. I can see why the leftovers for this would disappear fast, Beth. You sound like the perfect host!

Anonymous said...

How delish! I love baking with buttermilk because it makes the dessert so rich and creamy. :)

Unknown said...

Your article is so funny! It totally re-creates the issue of photographing food and hungry family on the prowl! I have even resorted to cooking some things ahead of time just so I can photography (in secret!!) It looks delcious...

Angela said...

Oh, man this looks good. Every time I come over to your blog I leave feeling hungry.

Anonymous said...

This definitely sounds like my ultimate summer dessert! Love the raspberries and buttermilk..!

Janet Johnson said...

I am drooling!

I think I might have to try this with strawberries (like you said above). So summer!

(And I was laughing about the lilliputians comment) :D

Sutapa said...

A very delicious summer dessert .... droolworthy!

jacqui said...

Looks delicious! Definitely a Summer worthy dessert!

Fresh Local and Best said...

I like it when the word ultimate appears in a title, that means it's really good. I like how well this dessert presents too, the raspberries stay beautifully intact.

laxsupermom said...

Yum! That looks so good! And with an "Ultimate" title, it's a must try. Thanks for sharing.

Giulietta | Alterkitchen said...

A bunch of awards for you! :)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

OMGoodness! That looks delicious!

Anonymous said...

That does look like the Ultimate Summer Dessert. I am starting to shift from chocolate to fruit, so this will make an appearance on our table, soon!

Tasha said...

This does look like the perfect summertime dessert, Beth! And I just love the picture of the uncut cake.

shaz said...

Oh yes, this is definitely calling my name. I wonder if my frozen stash of cherries will work for this. At least you got a chance to photograph the whole cake :)

Amy said...

This cake sounds delicious! I love that it is packed full of berry goodness! I can only imagine how wonderful a moist tender buttermilk cake studded with fresh flavorful bursts of berries would be :)!

Joanne said...

Mmm I've made this before with blueberries and yes it is UTTERLY DELICIOUS! Love it!

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

This is amazing looking. I have a friend who has a raspberry farm and last summer I picked a TON. It was so inexpensive-- I made a lot of jam and pie. Yum!
I always substitute the flour for some combo of whole grains and use raw agave nectar as my sweetener and it turns out so yummy!

Emily Malloy said...

I can absolutely smell it through the screen!!!

MTeacress said...

Oh, that looks glorious. Raspberries are my favorite berry. My dog used to eat the ones on the bottom of our bushes. I guess he liked them too. :)

Anonymous said...

You inspire me to be a baker, even though I'd probably burn the house down. :)

Jess said...

Hi Beth~ Just popped back in regarding your zodiac comment to say that Lord Voldemort is a Capricorn because he was born on January 1 (pointed out to me by a fellow blogger who read the books more carefully than I did) :)

Claudia said...

I am writing this down now. It has raspberries in it. I can actually see the raspberries. I am very summer-happy. And since it is 103 degrees F outside - I might as well embrace the season in my kitchen.

Beth said...

Jess, even my daughter didn't remember Voldemort's birthday. If no one in our Harry Potter-loving household knows the answer, it must be fairly obscure!

And Claudia (and everyone else who commented) I hope you love this cake. I do!

Deniz Bevan said...

Oh my gosh. That looks soooo yummy. I wish I was eating it right now. With my ice cream...

Susan Fields said...

That looks and sounds delicious - I'll have to give it a try!

Sue said...

Your cake is stunning! I just bought some raspberries today and I see this cake in my near future:) Thanks Beth!

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

My mouth is watering!! :)


Meagan Spooner said...

Wow, my mother would absolutely ADORE this dessert. I'm going to have to save this recipe and store it away for the next time I want to do something nice for her--she'll just go nuts for it. Thanks!

Jeanne said...

"Ultimate" sounds like the perfect way to describe this cake! In my world, any Ultimate Summer Dessert should also include ice cream. So if you top this cake with a scoop of ice cream, I'd be in summer dessert heaven!

Kristen said...

I think you may be right. That cake does sum up summer. What a wonderful bite it would be.

Ali said...

Beautiful! A little fresh whipped cream on top and I could probably eat half of this. :)

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

I am always happy to come accross another Canadian blogger. I have buttermilk and some Marionberries which may just show up in this delicious cake!

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

I knew there was a reason I was saving that have used bottle of buttermilk! This looks like the perfect summer dessert....mmmmmmm.

Sashquatch said...

This looks wonderful! I am yet to bake anything with raspberries but have some in the fridge rigghhtt now, its about time i change this fact i think! :)

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